Wedding Vow – The Voice Of Heart

Yes, it is undeniable that The Vows you take are the heart of the Wedding Ceremony. Audiences including your friends, relatives, colleagues, family members and even your partner are eagerly looking forward to your starting point of a whole new world. And without hesitation or embarrassment, as in most marriages these days, both of you will say the same vows, or other alternative versions of those, bond you together as ‘’to love, cherish and obey’’.

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“‘I take you to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part’”

This is the traditional version – as a standard one for every couple – following Catholic ritual. However, there are much more than a template, you are always encouraged to write your own, which perfectly related to your love story, your status and your expectations.

Here are some tips, for soon-to-be married couple, to compose your piece of masterpiece

Start Early

Don’t leave writing your vows until the day before the wedding! Give yourselves at least a month and vow writing will be done in a relaxed, not rushed, frame of mind.

Look to Tradition

To get inspired, start by reading traditional to see what strikes a chord with you.

Set the Tone

Decide what overall tone you want to achieve. Humorous but touching? Poetic and romantic? One worthful advice: While your vows can be lighthearted (or even hilarious), they should, in some way, acknowledge the seriousness of the commitment you’re about to make.

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In this wedding, the groom made a touching speech that moved not only the bride but also the guests

Figure Out the Logistics

Make sure you and your fiance are both on the same page. Are you each going to write your own vows, or will you write them together?

Make a Vow Date

When it’s time to come up with the actual content of your vows, go out to dinner or set aside an evening at home to brainstorm. Talk about your relationship and what marriage means to each of you. Discuss what you expect from each other and the relationship.

Schedule Some Alone Time

Take some self-reflection time to think about how you feel about your partner. What did you think when you first saw them? When did you realize you were in love? What do you most respect about your partner? How has your life gotten better since meeting your mate? What about them inspires you? What do you miss most about them when you’re apart? What qualities do you most admire in each other? What do you have now that you didn’t have before you met?

Steal Ideas

Borrow freely from poetry, books, religious and spiritual texts — even from romantic movies. Jot down words and phrases that capture your feelings. Widely recognized works ring true for a reason.

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